Text Message Commerce Blog - MessageBuy Marketing Communications

3 Ways to Fix High Cart Abandonment Rates

Written by darrenpierce78 | Jun 9, 2021 8:56:10 PM

As a growing e-commerce business, one of the more considerable challenges that often come up is cart abandonment. Customers come to your site, spend some time adding items to their cart...and then never come back. Sound familiar? 

Cart abandonment is incredibly frustrating, mainly because the reasons for doing so are so individual. Some customers might just enjoy window-shopping. Others might be waiting for a special occasion or timing the purchase based on their budget. While there isn’t one single reason why cart abandonment occurs, it is essential to have a cart abandonment strategy as a seller. It ensures that you are capturing as many purchases as you can, and it might help you understand how to reduce cart abandonment rates in the long run based on customer behavior. 

So how do you fix high cart abandonment rates and create a killer cart abandonment strategy? Here are some top tips to get you started!

Offer multiple payment options
Customers want choices, always - and payments are no different. In fact, not having enough payment options may be why you see a high cart abandonment rate. Not everyone feels comfortable giving up their credit card number right away, or they might not see their payment option available (even if it is), and it deters them from making a purchase.

As part of your cart abandonment strategy, you should offer multiple payment methods and make that information clear throughout your site. For example, you can use the payment logos as part of the product pages or have a banner on top to let people know what you are and are not accepting. This leads to more purchasing because customers don’t face an unexpected obstacle at checkout and are more comfortable with the purchase process in general. 

Use innovative marketing methods
Sometimes, you just need to capture customer attention - it’s that simple. And while email might seem like the go-to way, it tends to get saturated. Customers are receiving hundreds of promotional emails all the time, and it’s not easy to stand out. However, a crucial part of cart abandonment strategy is being innovative and trying new methods. 

For example, you could try our AI-driven conversational cart recovery tools to reach customers through text messages, and encourage them to complete their purchases. Adding an exclusive discount code can help boost sales, and it can help you track how well text message campaigns are working for sales.

Create comprehensive product pages
Another reason why customers might abandon carts is that they just don’t have enough information about the product. Whether that is adding product photos, increasing customer reviews, or even just adding more descriptions about the product, there might be something missing that’s keeping people from purchasing.

Look at your product pages with fresh eyes and think about what you can improve. Utilize your customers to gain  feedback and ask their opinions on your social media channels for improvements. You can also reach out to loyal or recurring customers to ask them why they keep coming back and use their insight to build the product pages out more and focus on what you do well. Or encourage customers to leave more reviews by providing an exclusive discount code or creating a special offer to incentivize reviews on product pages.

There are many different ways to capture consumer interest, but you will likely see the most success when your strategy includes multiple methods to entice customers to complete their purchases. Making payment easy and giving people as much information as you can about products to make them feel comfortable and safe is crucial. Combined with remarketing through channels such as text messages, you’ll see cart abandonment rates start to decrease quickly. To learn more about how to improve your cart abandonment strategy and how text messaging marketing can help, please contact us to learn more.